Summer Programs
Lee Academy offers an outstanding ‘Summer X’ program designed to enrich and engage children during the summer break. Extension, exploration, excitement and exchange are the founding principles of our ‘Summer X’ program!
GLOBAL CONNECTIONS is a one of a kind opportunity for students in Grade 6 or higher to learn about and travel to a region of the world to experience its culture, history and language as part of an exchange or outreach trip. Past trips have included a 10-day outreach trip France, a Canadian exchange with students in the Northwest Territories, a trip to our partner schools and a safari in Kenya and a trip to Peru.
The excursions included building a community staircase in Lima, hiking at Machu Pichu and repainting an orphanage. The group also fundraised to purchase new physiotherapy equipment and a trampoline for the orphanage. We have taken a recent group on a Quebec City homestay and in June/July, 2019, we returned to Kenya!